
Thursday, 21 March 2013


this afternoon
As giant spring snowflakes fall, I'm finding time to blog again. Spring is a time of renewal, of rebirth and the promise of new life. Maybe my favorite season, don't tell autumn because I can never make up my mind. This spring everything is changing for us after much thought and talking Noah and I have choosen to let go of much of our animal farming, our land leases and focus on our children, our own veggie garden and raise some laying hens. This is not because of lack of support and I want to shout a giant Thank You to everyone who overwhelmingly supported us. We are also not going to be farming with Etienne as we are moving in very different directions in our farming values and in life. We may be at the market and some of our extra veggies will make it to Amped in the summer. I'm going to have to sell at least some of those amazing raspberries that are sprouting in the snow. It's going to be hard to say good bye to some well loved animals and we are looking for great homes for them. I am excited about pouring energy into our garden, if I have no meat animals that almost makes me a vegetarian, lucky for Noah the freezer if full for now. I have always focoused this blog on our farm. That's why I'm bringing the name back to The Farm. But since it's not a business anymore you'll hear of things like natural bee keeping, cloth diapers, waldorf, homeschooling, lots of cooking, eating, cleaning whatever else comes along the way. Maybe even do something, unheard of last year, like going to the beach in the... wait for it... SUMMER!
a little sunshine egg for Morgan's breakfast