
Saturday, 13 July 2013

"MOM.... I'm making raspberry jam in my mouthI

Over the last few months we've been having a great time enjoying raising children and just scaling back  on our farm. I also updated my photography website and have starting booking again. You can view my page at
Sometime we even go the beach in the evening. We have time to crawl around in the shade with Morgan or jump on the trampoline with Lyra. We have our young children for such a short time and we're going to just soak it all in and when we are old they will say... my parents are nuts!
Morgan sits on a back drop of dirt co flowers eating watermelon
Over the last month Lyra and I prepared for the market doing various crafts which we sold today. It was fun to see her so excited and having a good time. We sold out of our pesto pizza's before 10am and   I loved watching Lyra give her pitch on the bath salts and have people smell the lavender sugar.  

Some of our market wares.

Sometimes I think of this blog and will take a photo thinking I'll post all about it. Sometimes I even write the whole thing in my head.  Here are some of the photos I have taken over the past few months. That have collected with mini captions on what they hold. 
The garden about a month ago, sage was great for our bees. We are pulling the garlic tomorrow.
Sadly without a cow the deer have moved right in. It's pretty discouraging, but we are finding food all over the place these days and it's just more letting go. We are getting few raspberries and are enjoying them, everyone. 
 In April - Lyra had her first garden this year, this was her first ever harvest about two months ago. We sat down and ate them all. YUM! 
In March -  she needed to make a flag for the garden in,  It reads "Lyra Grows the Good Food".

In April- We journeyed all the way down island to get our bees from  Moody Apiaries
A heavenly apiary image for you. The bees are very healthy and a good mix of italian and carniolan
Here is the youngest beekeeper bringing our bees to their hive. 
In April and May Morgan was so busy "helping" in the garden that we didn't have to do much:)
Or we didn't get much done one or the other. 
And this would follow. 

A beautiful harvest from our friend Paul's garden. I love heritage strawberries. Not one of them made it to the freezer or jam. Each was enjoyed on it's own. We also went down to Royston and picked about 50lbs at Ash Berry Farms. Those somehow made it to jam and the freezer. I think it's because I froze them all the night I got home. What strawberries??? 
The stress was to great the day we cut our cheese. I just couldn't bring my camera. But it worked out great.
We enjoyed a good swiss style dinner of potatoes and cheese, with a salad from the garden. Thanks to Edith for the photo and caring so well for our aged cheese. Maybe more cheese making when the milk flows again one day.