
Monday, 26 August 2013

the fair & fencing

This is the face of a one year old, but you can see what he'll look like when he's an old man.
Helping dada fix our gate fence post that someone hit about a year ago. 

Sad because he thought the hole was for him to climb in 

What am I going to do the first time Morgan has to wear shoes, due to cold or wet weather? 
On Saturday we headed down to the big city of Courtenay B.C for the Comox Valley Exhibition
It was the first time I had been there since I was about 10, it was fun to experience with children. Can't wait for our Quadra Island Fall Fair coming up in a few weeks.
Some prize winning hay 

I was hurried away from the sheep herding by the sound of tractors 

Ok, they are impressive 

He could not get enough of the tractors with lots of Oh, Oh "insert tractor noises". 

Hello Texal Ram nose I see you but I don't have any COB 

this girl is getting her flock ready to be judged 

Youngest tractor drivers 
having fun on the stage with a basket of plums 

Lyra's first carnival ride 

If anyone on Quadra has a lot of fruit these guys travel
Check out their website
Maybe something you could sell at the Local FOOD Market

My childhood flashing before my eyes, repeat with hunters and jumpers. 

These calves would like to know who's idea this fair was

Monday, 12 August 2013


Like always we have been busy with the farm and working on finishing our house. This past weekend Noah helped a friend slaughter chickens, we picked about five gallons of blackberries, made jam, pie, blackberry vanilla shrub, froze some. Made pesto, bread, and harvested and threshed some of our wheat. The only pictures that where on my camera where these ones. That means I was working more than photographing, or working photographing, either or.
I also have been organizing this Local Food Market running October- April at the Quadra Legion. I've been putting up posters and I have yet to write a press release for the Discovery Islander (look for it in the D.I before the Fall Fair). I'm also going to be at the Fall Fair with a Local Food Market Booth so come and visit me and sign up for a monthly newsletter. It will let you know what kinds of food you can look forward or reserve a monthly table or just bring me some icecream:)

About a month ago we harvested our garlic. Yum, heres to a healthful winter.