
Friday, 6 September 2013

This is me Not really farming

Some days the food just doesn't stop coming in. Thankfully as we now have four of us to feed. Thank you to Mother Earth who just keeps giving and giving. 
Our cat somehow manages to get in almost every photo I take. These apple and pears are now sauced and canned.

I got to harvest this fruit on the south end this past week, thanks to friends. These friends did not plant these trees and I got to thinking about all of the people we have benefited from these trees which I'm guessing are over or around a hundred years old. How many mouths have these trees feed, how many deer, bears, racoons, human families have feed themselves on these trees. Maybe I'm just a bit of a romantic,  I thought of the people who may have planted these trees. Was it Bob Hall who built the first house and started to farm this land in 1888 or was it Viven Noble who died in 1921 at age 36, I thought of her either planting or tending to these trees and harvesting fruit. I thought of her feeding her children and thinking that these trees would maybe one day feed her grandchildren. I don't know who her grandchildren are, but I do know that on tuesday of this week eight little children ran and played as three different mamma's picked fruit for the winter for their families. So if you have ever planted a food tree and have left it to move on, you never know who's children or grandchildren it will benefit years from now. The land that was farmed over a hundred years ago continues to feed my family year after year. I hope that one day someone will pick fruit off my old trees and think about the people that lived in the cement house. 

 A new use for logs of zucinni,  take wooden sword and burn off some steam. Not that your children would never need to express that.

Our Halloween Craving pumpkins are growing ok even with out raw milk 
I love this duck, I think you may out live the harvest. 
The bees are starting to prepare for winter. Collecting pollen that will feed the next generation of bees.

Some capped honey, makes our house smell yummy. 

Apples the best way.