
Friday, 8 June 2012

I was going to blog about our chicks...

it looks pretty good from the outside 
I was packing snacks for the drive down to Black Creek to pick up chicks, when my mom ran to the house yelling "The barn is on fire". When I was about 17 my mom got me really good on April Fools calling me at a friends house to tell me my bedroom had burnt down. The tone of her voice was the same as that day, so I have to admit I looked out the window before I said" Did you call 911?" The Quadra Fire Department got here in about five minutes. My mom caught the fire really early on. We are very lucky the hay didn't catch or this would be a very different blog post.  By the time I got over to the barn, after calling everyone I know who could get ahold of Noah, the flames where coming out the side door and I my only thought was save the bailer.  I did also think of ,William (our sheep), who was in a pen right next to the barn. Thank you Sarah for letting William out. The fire department had the fire out shortly (I'm guessing less than 20 minutes). It's amazing what damage a fire can do in a short amount of time. Noah arrived just as the fire was under control and I said to him I have to go get those chicks can you stay home and build another chick hover, the one he had stayed up till 11p.m the night before finishing was gone.  "With what tools".  The barn was the work shop on the bottom floor with my Dad's 30 year collection of tools and a few of Noah's. The top floor was the hay loft of our first cut of hay rich milk hay, is now smokey wet mulch hay. Want some?
Noah's photos, I can't go near the smell 

  And of course we went to Black Creek to pick up our heritage meat birds. They are in Lyra's kitty pool in the middle of our house. And yes my house smells like a chicken coop. Good thing I'm not nauseous anymore. For those of you who are getting meat birds from us they are starting out their life listening to Raffi and Michael Franti this morning and they seem just fine. Hopefully the next blog will be all about the chickens.


  1. this is heart-wrenching.

  2. Oh no Amanada! All those tools! Ack. The poor farmhouse, hopefully it is all up and running again soon.

  3. Amanda, I'm so sorry to hear about the fire. What a scary thing. Any idea how it started? Good to know that the Quadra Fire Dept. was so prompt in responding.
