
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

missing an hour

It's even darker now with that hour missing, where did it go? It's now dark when Noah get's home from work, so getting the garlic in by head lamp was the only way it was going to happen this year. Lyra helped prep the soil, got nice and dirty and came in covered in dirt and smelling like something the tide washed up, mmm the smell of a few days old seaweed. It's hailing right now as Noah is out finishing up the chores and both of my children are asleep. I have taken to blogging instead of tackling the steady pile of dishes and laundry, I'll call it journaling and feel much more noble about it.
Only a few days ago it was warm enough to be outside in a tee shirt. The colder weather has moved in over the last few days. Here Lyra is showing me the seeds in the buckwheat and that you can eat them, imagine discovering something like that. And for her it was just as it was for the first man(woman) who ever ate buckwheat. We dug the potatoes finally the other day and it looks like we'll have enough for winter. Noah went through all our seeds yesterday leaving a note for me this morning with that list for order for next years seeds and it's fairly short.
Noah is going down on saturday to pick up the rest of the beef from this year's slaughter. I'm excited to have a some in the freezer to eat and another freezer full for freezer sales. We are going to be at the QCC Winter Market this winter and if it's not happening we are going to be here most saturday's from 10-2 with freezer sales. I also set up a facebook page so you can now "like" us on facebook. I will post all new available product on that page as well.

"shopping at local farmstores and establishing relationships with local farmers can answer question about safe practices and helps support a prosperous farming community" Quillisacut Farm School 
fall beauty 
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  1. Good morning Amanda. Great blog! I wonder what your facebook page is called?

  2. Hillcrest Farms
