
Friday, 5 April 2013

learning how to use the brakes

Ever since I was a little girl I have had recurring dream that I'm driving a car and no matter which of the two petals I press the car just goes faster and faster, usually until I go flying down a hill, crash or wake up, whatever comes first. Last week I had this dream but this time there was a voice calling me to look down at my feet where there was a third petal, that I had never seen before I pressed it and the car slowed down to a stop.  At which time I looked back and realized my family was all in the car with me I felt a great sense of relief that they where all safe. Sometimes you need some time to decipher your dreams and sometimes they are screaming clear.

It was a beauty day last week and the first time that Morgan has gotten dirt stuck under his finger nails and grass prints in his little naked knees. The garden's got rototilled and the soiling is just asking to be planted. So that's what I did.
 The only thing growing in the green house is this strange fuzzy grey lump and some onion starts which didn't pose very well for the camera.

I have already started thinking of recipes for our raspberry harvest this summer and I'm thinking some market sales. Is this like counting your eggs before they've hatched our your berries before they've bloomed.


  1. I used to have dreams like that too- always a truck always rolling backwards down a hill and the brake pedal does not work only instead of an insightful revelation I read an article in a magazine one day about dreams and sides of the brain and apparently since I was always braking with my right foot my dream side of my brain didn't recognize it. So I used my left foot on the brake a few times and I have never had that dream again. Kinda weird but makes for a better sleep. Maybe your dream is telling you you need to get rid of your automatic car and get a standard next time hehe. I love your photos, YAY HORRAY for spring and keeping my fingers crossed for summer following close behind.

  2. come to think of it I may have used my left foot. I think it's time to slow down or maybe even stop that crazy ride.
