
Thursday, 30 January 2014

Dirt Tired

It's the first time this year I have that gardened out, dirt tired feeling. Moving the compost pile is good dirt work, maybe it also has something to do with night weening, Morgan.  Our three little pigs don't seem to lack energy and excitement (specially when they escape)  they get super hyper and fun around the yard than come to the door and make loud noise to let me know they have escaped! "Hurry up and bring us something good to eat already". But just look at that rooting power! 

The passion for hard work starts at seventeen months.  Morgan is not happy without a tool in his hand and do NOT take tools away from him. Don't worry, Grandma, the saw is kept away these days. 

The rock wall is almost complete and rosemary and lavender has been planted. I plan four years in the making, feels so good to have that done. 

The fog stayed around for over two weeks, with yesterday being our first sunshine peek in a while. We all stayed outside all day and moved to do work as the sun moved around the yard. I was good to see the bees out, both our hives look healthy this spring so hopefully we'll get splits this year. 

As soon as Daddy comes home from work, Morgan makes sure he gets his Daddy working time in the garden. He is worse than I am, yelling for Noah to keep digging every time he stops. He gets really excited when Noah brings out his axe or really digs fast. Something aspire too. 

At a young age he knows where rocks belong, even though he can hardly reach the top of the wheelbarrow. We have expanded our garden this winter, so I really feeling like the gardening didn't ever stop this winter, it made the winter pass extremely fast. We just placed our West Coast Seed order this week, which is always a very exciting part of gardening. Oh the options and possibilities.  

New to our family and farm is Jasper. Our farm now has eyes, ears and a good nose. It is nice to know he's watching out for the children and next August when Mr Bear comes along for our honey, I won't be the one up at night.  He has fit right in to our little farm and brings us a sense of wholeness. With pigs, bees, ducks and a dog our farm has eye's, ears, nose, limbs, a growing stomach and slug eating, compost making and pollination abilities.
I'm thinking chickens these days and I really can't decide, if you have a heritage layer you love please let me know all about it. Let's talk chicks. 

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