
Monday, 20 January 2014

"I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in".

The three little pigs have doubled in size since they arrived three weeks ago, converting milk, grain and veggies into protein at a fast pace. They are great fun to watch, the children love to stand and watch them rooting about and wrestling. Pigs are very clean, which I like, they always make their bed of straw or hay and never mess where they eat. They also sleep in a little heap all snuggled together, keeping warm. 
Three little helpers feeding the veggies scraps to the pigs. It's very exciting and always seems to make the children hungry and thirsty. The sound of the pigs crunching and slurping up their water. 

The little man takes this job very seriously and gets upset when the veggie box in empty, he starts going around the yard picking up any bits of greenery and throwing it in the pen. 
When I was younger Paul  used to say to me "All you need to build a castle is a million dollars and a box of rocks".  I knew better, what I needed was a man who knew how to build with stone. For this I call my husband the evolved man. We also have extremely rocky soil, meaning almost all of these rocks came from the half acre which we inhabbit. 

This is tomorrow's project. I won't post photos of my much less evolved rock garden beds, but they are more on my scope of rock ability. 
With Dada's herding rod, it's been foggy these days which makes me want to photograph everything.

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