
Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Pigs & Market

The three little pigs have arrived and have gone start to work. They will work for us for the next five months, rooting, digging, clearing and fertilizing the land. In exchange will we provide them with good fresh land to turn, produce, grains and a nice bed of straw and fresh clean water. After which they will feed our family, of four, and five other families for a year. Thank you pigs, while I was writing this they escaped and thanks to Beth for chasing them in from the road. Pigs are vey smart and will push soil on the electric line to short it out. They are back, for now. 
The Ducks, Lucien, the drake, R..J (the escape duck), Izzy and black duck. Have moved into the new chicken tractor for a few months. They seem happy with their new home, it took Lucien about two days to figure out that he could climb down the steps to the grass below. Balance is not his strong point. 
January 4th found me rushing to the Local FOOD Market. With Noah's work schedule changed, it's up to me to get their solo with the children in the morning, it was a rush and a scurry in the morning to get there early to set up (and of course I had to bake fresh muffins in the morning). As I turned the corner around 8 am this view changed my mood and my view of the day. It was beautiful and peaceful, thanks to Lyra and Morgan for waiting while I took a few quick photos and deep breathes. 

South End  Farm Carrots and leeks , Jill wouldn't let me buy all the carrots, I did get a bag which I ate with the children for breakfast the next day. So good to have fresh carrots, Morgan loves them. We also have a really yummy grape juice on tap, which I had to put a stop to a purple stained Lyra just helping her self every five minutes or so the first day. We now have juice in the morning and that's it for the day. Well for her at least, don't tell her that anyone is getting more. 

Ripple Rock Eggs, Edith's Sourdough Breads, Hewison's Walnuts. From The Farm Garlic, Organic Baking, Oatmeal Cookies,  Raspberry Oatmeal Buttermilk Muffins, Pesto Twists, Potato Bread and Noah's cutting old growth fir cutting boards.  Very happy with the January Table. 

The end of the day

The BBC Farm Series has come out with new series The Tutor Farm which makes from some good winter movie viewing. Lyra loves watching it, although I'll put a stop to it if she develops an accent or starting referring to us as Laypeople. This is a link to the wartime farm series, they also have the victorian age etc. Some good winter BBC. 

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