"Daddy, Daddy I have to tell you something! The duck is in love with the sheep". Says Lyra followed by a fit of giggles. Yesterday we went up to the Granite Bay Homestead to visit our friends and meet the new lambs. Born a few days ago in the this cold winter weather. Aren't they just so cute, nothing is so sweet as baby lambs. Emily keeps a few friesian sheep and milks them for her family. Farm life is always full of the unexpected and Em was just putting away the pile of hot water bottles when I arrived. The lambs looked so happy, free and frisky in the cold morning sunshine.
You can find Granite Bay Homestead Organic Eggs at the Local Food Market Saturday, March 1st. I had some for breakfast this morning with Paul's fresh green onions. Does anyone have tips for cleaning out chicken coop in the freezing weather. I tried to clean out the duck house today and after spending a good amount of time hitting the frozen sawdust with the shovel I realized there must be something this west coast girl doesn't know about cleaning coops in the winter? Please tell if you know.
This is the duck who is in love with the sheep. Sadly last summer his one mate and true love died leaving him alone, he left the pond and marsh and moved in with the sheep. They spin a good tale and are good company on cold winter nights. They also are feed grain which might have something to do with it. He will find a new romance this summer, I'm sure of it.
Back at our little farm. Noah just had to move this rock out of the garden. I would have dug around it. But it had to go. It's amazing what he can with with leverage. It has been moved. Did I mention we have rocky soil?
The definition of Small, Medium and Large. I love to listen to them snore at night, it's very calming.
My personal haul from the Local Food Market on February 1st. I was impressed by the amount of fresh food for February. We ate really good dinner that night of Mussels with garlic all mixed up with sautéed kale with pieces of garlic, rosemary toast and a dikon radish, beet, carrot salad and large glasses of grape juice.
In this cold weather, Lyra, has a maple syrup experiment going on down by this beach. Not much yet, but I did get this photo in the cold morning light. |