
Saturday, 15 February 2014

Snowdrops & Cleansing Flights

Last week it was cold for here, dry cold and still. So cold that the lakes on Quadra froze. Lyra and Noah got to go skating at night out on the ice. The strange creaking noises, starry night sky and the smell  and warmth of the wood fire made me feel very canadian. Here is Noah fuelling the fire in Granite Bay. 

Lyra told me that the mom cow said" It's ok I know you, you can pet my baby".

During the cold snap, Noah, was looking in on a neighbours cows calving, as they where away on vacation. It was exciting for Lyra to go and see if the cows had been born. Which they were on time and without problems just a few hiccups.  The night after I went and checked out what was going on.  I noticed that the one year old (white one below) was chasing the little day old calf away from the mamma and confusing it by sending to another cow and the one year old would proceed to drink all the milk.  Noah went over after I came home to get dinner on and came home smiling and soaking wet in freezing weather. "It went great" he said, he brought the cow and calf up the barn. "Why are you soaking wet? Oh the calf peed on me but it's just milk pee".
That's my smart girl 

Getting a ride back up the hill from Johnny 
And than the sun came out this week, it warmed up and we all felt like this. 
The bee's came out for a cleansing flight, which is a nice way of saying they all come out for a poo.
Lyra went right up and just stood there, I told her to leave the bee's alone. She said calmly "The bee's don't want to be left alone, they want LOVE and attention".   True words from my daughter. This is a girl who can't stand the seams in pants or if her socks are the wrong feeling, but she can stand calmly with bees crawling over her hands, arms and in her hair and she says their poo smells good (how often do you hear that).

Right now that winds are picking up and the rain is pouring, but the snowdrops are out and spring like always has kept his promise. 

1 comment:

  1. This is Elizabeth one of Sarah Day's friends. I just love your blog. I love the pictures and I your writing I love your life. I hope you don't mind if I follow you.
