
Sunday, 9 March 2014

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud

Sometimes I think I am doing my children and myself a disservice buying and dressing them in rain boots and waterproof suits to go outside.  I have been thinking maybe I should dress them fully in 100% woollens and let them outside. By dressing them in waterproof clothing they remain mostly dry even in extremely wet weather, this is teaching them that it's ok, and fun, to splash and sit and roll about in mud puddles. By dressing them in 100% woollen clothing they might actually stay out of the mud. Have you ever fallen in the mud in a 100% wool sweater, I have. It's cold and wet and clings and drips down your back in an unpleasant way, specially when you still have to walk home. And maybe if I dress the in 100% handmade woollens they will look like those children from blogs where there mothers must pick out their hand knit, vintage inspired, clothing to match the flowers. Yeah right, I would just end up cold hand washing a lot of muddy woollens. 

Beautiful snow days when everything was crisp, white & mud free. 

We have started sprouting grains for our ducks. We are sprouting wheat to start because we have lots on hand. You get a lot more protein and fresh feed per pound. I just feel silly for not planning on sprouting grains for the pigs, next time. Here is a link if you want to know more about sprouting grains for your bird (or yourself) Sprouted Grains.

Fresh salad greens from the green house. The snow actually helped insulate the green house on the warm days and everything is starting to really grow. Nothing tastes so good in spring. 
There has not been snow on the ground in March since 2009.  This is the year that, Lyra, joined the world, as herself, on a snowy March morning five years ago. Our lives were forever changed by the fire, strength, bravery and wisdom that she brings to our family. A girl who loves mud and tutu's.  Who got stuck in the mud two days ago, I actually had to dig her boots out. They are still wet so, of course, she is wearing sparkling slippers today, jumping puddles.

 In celebration of Lyra I will be giving away five surprise farm items to the first five people who comment on the blog below. These will be mailed  out at random before the end of 2014. 


  1. Happy Birthday Lyra! Beautiful blog post xo

  2. Love your pictures, Amanda - my favorites are of the bird and your home. Happy birthday, Lyra!
    - Lynne

  3. I love looking at your pictures Amanda. Miss you all

  4. Monica Collins9 March 2014 at 22:48

    I love the snowy photos! I am also a March baby, and always wanted a beach party for my birthday. I remember a few snowy hot dog roasts on the beach! Happy birthday to Miss Lyra!

  5. Beautiful blog. Beautiful family. Happy birthday Lyra. Someday when you are a few years older, like me, you might know what gigantic blessing your parents gave you by raising you in such a place, in such a way… wait a minute, you already know it don't you… every day. Silly adult me!

  6. I'm addicted. Your photography, your writing, your family. It's all so beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  7. Thank you to everyone for your kind words. You have one more job to do please send me your mailing address to or Facebook message me. I promise no live animals or children:)
